I have 7 teams (see below) submitted for the Sunday Mini league. (24th March) I'm looking at a prompt 5.20pm start. The first 4 teams out of the hat play their match. Same Handicap format. All points scored count. Best of 3 games to 21, American scoring. Negative handicaps to be reasonably adjusted.
The winners go through to the finals night. The third highest scoring team get a second bite of the cherry and make up the four to play later that evening. Similarly the 2 winning teams go through to the finals night on Sunday 7th April 2013.
Concordia Tomatoes. Dan Cussack (0) Andy Lawrence (+3) Mark Knott (+5)
Broken Strings. Michael Jones (-3) Neil Taylor (+7) Peter Mcourt (-2)
Macrae's Team David Macrae (+10) Sally Faulkner (+12) Craig Tuck (+10)
Miss Hits Mark Livingstone (-8) Tony Hedley (-20) Chris Brock (+8)
Norfolk + Good. Peter Edney (+10) Andy Pattison (+9) Ian McAllister (-10)
Second Strings Nick Fecitt (-6) Steve Goldie (-8) Rory Whaling (-6)
Les Escargots Keith Gray (+5) Bruno Gaultier (-6) Rob Owens (+4)
£3.00 per man should cover the cost of the courts. It is difficult to predict how long matches will take so can I ask that those teams due to play in the second 'four' still come up in good time (say no later than 6.15pm) and support the event.
I'll do the draw on Friday evening (8th March) at Concordia when there are people around to witness it all.
Ian Mc