Following the AGM on Wednesday 20th June 2012, one or two issues were raised. Hence this e-mail.
Part of the club's constitution (dating back to 1977) was to encourage team squash.
Consideration is being given to entering a new Concordia team into the Northumbria League.
The team would be put into the lowest County league and is aimed at bringing in Concordia players of any standard.
If there are any members out there interested in committing to the 2012/2013 team squash season, please let me know ASAP.
I believe that a core of at least 8 or 9 players would be required to field a 5 man team for the season (work commitments and injuries always take their toll)
Prior to this idea being taken further I will need to hold a meeting with those interested to give an overview of what team squash entails, if after that there are sufficient people interested then we'll give it a go. I'm looking for a captain as well !
Also ; T-shirts with the Concordia Squash Club Logo.
As part of a Handicap competition several years ago, we offered T-shirts. (free T-shirt but £5.00 entry fee which covered the cost of the shirt)
There were some left over but all have now been sold, at cost by the way.
Many of you may have seen or are still wearing those grey Concordia shirts. They have lasted well.
If there is sufficient interest the club will place another order. I believe the minimum order is 25 but I may be wrong.
In order to keep costs down (work on approx' £7.00 a shirt at worst) we may be confined to one colour. Can't please all of the people all of the time so the majority rule would have to apply.
Can you let me know about the T-shirt idea one way or the other. If yes, what colour and what size? Medium, large, extra large and extra extra large are the options. Bear in mind the sizes were not generous and most of our club members wouldn't look bad in an extra large. Medium is out of the question for most of us. Sorry.
By the way, this is not about profit, more about encouraging membership. The price of the shirt will be 'at cost'.
Enjoy your squash.
Ian Mc