(Tuesday 29th) with one or two players showing signs of a hard season.
Keith Gray was once again (isn't he always) up against Tony Hedley. 3-0 to Tony.
Peter Irlam was stuck in Leeds so Rory Whaling with a bye now has to face Tony in the quarters.
Dan Cussack showed how his team squash this season has seen his game go from strength to strength, he beat Robin Ritchie 3-0.
Some great squash from Steve Goldie and Ian Morton was the tie of the night with Ian well bandaged up. Steve went through 3-2.
Although the last match of the night, Dave Hall narrowly lost to Jamie Morton, another great match. Mark Livingstone beat John Ormsby (a battle of the blasters)
Bruno Gaultier beat Les Carr and Ian McAllister beat Paul Blakely.
Tonight Dan will face Steve Goldie, Jamie Morton will play Mark Livingstone and Bruno will play Ian McAllister.
The B competition got off to a shaky start with a number of no shows. Although injured, Graeme Sneddon put up a valiant fight to narrowly loose to Dave Mcrae. Rob Owen's opponent couldn't make it, thanks to Rob who stayed and marked games all night. Mark Knott beat Paul Scott, Nick Fecitt was too strong for Peter Edney, Martin Davison just pipped Chris Brock and Andrew Pattison won the family battle over his Dad who kindly stood in at the last minute (another no show) With only 5 out right winners I needed 3 highest scoring losers to go through to make the last 8, these were Chris Brock (62pts) Paul Scott (52pts and Don Pattison (52 pts) Bill Johnson will be doing the draw for the B' tonight at 6pm, potentially there could be some re-matches,
depends how the names come out. Even if not playing, come along.
Ian Mc